Date / Time: 2024-02-13 / 10:00 |
Next journal of Voodoo Botany and Noobs Helping Noobs is an actual pure I call Birthday Spanking. And this journal will feature seeds from two different breeding pairs I ended up with end of 2022; which I am designating PR:0 and PR:1 Also, this is my first time having 2 totally separate breeding pairs, all siblings of course. The name is derived from the original pure's name of Birthday Cake. Since the Birthday Cake Lites never got further bred into a Wildling, and instead, 2 different sibling pairs did the dirty and noble bred themselves back into a pure (but not pure Birthday Cake), I decreed that the new name should be derived from the old, unlike Wildlings, which triggers a full fledged name and claim when noble breeding their siblings together. |
I do have half a dozen from Pair:0 in progress already, but they are struggling due to inefficient lighting, and will get some intensive care going for them soon, and the three I am about to start are still needed for the Noobs Helping Noobs aspect of the journal, which will be talked about briefly at the end of this first entry. |
The current S:00 is the most likely to not make it, but I'm gonna give it my best shot to keep it alive and thriving. |
The one in the styro cup currently has no sequence number, but it is the most likely to become the actual S:00 for Pair:0 and take its place in the cage as S:01 and the Birthday Spanking representative for the upcoming main grow journal for the year: CNX-2024:0. It went through the first 33 days of its life on my flowering lighting of 14 hours dark / 10 hours light, and might hopefully show some sex characteristics soon. |
For Pair:1, I currently only have 4 active seedlings. |
S:02 is most likely to become the primary that gets to grow out in one of the bigass planters, if it ends up being a girl. It did the Flower cycle from birth lighting recently, and should be showing its sex soon, I hope. |
And if that one ends up being a boy, it will be the primary pollen supplier for Pair:1; then S:03 is the next most likely to be the Pair:1 primary. Guess I should get it started on 14/10 tonight. |
The Pair:0 seeds are the ones I am most likely to make public, as the Birthday Cake Lite I pulled them from gave several jars of seed-laden bud that is still contributing more seeds as I twiddle them to deseed before smoking. The Pair:1 seeds' mother plant was in a 5 gallon bucket and only produced a couple bowls worth of smokable bud, and far fewer seeds. In fact, to paraphrase Carl Sagan, counting what has been sprouted and died already, What is shown are all the Pair:1 seeds that are, were, or will be. Heck, Pair:1 seeds will likely be restricted to my most trusted fans and minions (of which, I may now have a couple) who care about this sort of thing when the time comes. |
So we now get three of each to supplement and for the purposes of this journal... |
And finally, here's the history and stats I can deduce on these. They will get their sequence numbers sorted out when I know what my primary of each will be... |
- Name: Birthday Spanking-PR:0/G:00/2023
- Subclass: Indica/Sativa Hybrid - 50/50
- Mother Plant: Birthday Cake Lite-PL:0/S:00/2022
- Mother Plant SC: Indica/Sativa Hybrid - 50/50
- Father Plant: Birthday Cake Lite-PL:0/S:01/2022
- Father Plant SC: Indica/Sativa Hybrid - 50/50
- Grandmother Plant: Birthday Cake-PL:0/2021 (Indica Dominant)
- Grandfather Plant: Wildling-00/S:19/2019 (Sativa Dominant)
- Name: Birthday Spanking-PR:1/G:00/2023
- Subclass: Indica/Sativa Hybrid - 50/50
- Mother Plant: Birthday Cake Lite-PL:1/S:00/2022
- Mother Plant SC: Indica/Sativa Hybrid - 50/50
- Father Plant: Birthday Cake Lite-PL:1/S:01/2022
- Father Plant SC: Indica/Sativa Hybrid - 50/50
- Grandmother Plant: Birthday Cake-PL:1/2021 (Indica Dominant)
- Grandfather Plant: Wildling-00/S:19/2019 (Sativa Dominant)
So, Fall of 2022, about a month before harvest, I think it was, my neighbor gifted me a Bubblegum and 3 Birthday Cake plants he was growing, but did not have space for where he was moving. The Bubblegum and the first Birthday Cake, which I will call Plant:0, got planted out in the cage out back as replacements for two of the boys I ended up getting. The other two Birthday Cakes were in giant planters, so we will call those Plants:1 and 2. Plant 2 was the tiniest of them, and was actually pretty much ready to harvest at that time, due to the trunk being broken with a failed duct tape repair job. What little bit of bud I got off that was smokable and gave a buzz. That one also produced a small handful of seeds, which I believe is an indicator that she self pollinated and made feminized seeds. They also all had a high mortality rate (something else I think is an indicator of feminized, due to self pollinating being the ultimate go BLEEP yourself, aka noble breeding.) At any rate, none of the seeds or the few seedlings that sprouted survived, so there really is nothing left of Plant:2 to discuss further, just part of the history behind these...
Plants:0 and 1 are another story though. They both got heavily pollinated, and I am quite certain the lucky boy was the same Wildling:00/2019 that pollinated his sister next to him in the cage. PL:0 continued to grow and mature in the cage, as did PL:1 in the planter (other than the section that was separated from the trunk like PL:3's was; and that was harvested on the spot and decreed good.) Both plants produced a decent amount of half breed seeds that I called Birthday Cake Lite-PL:0 and PL:1.
Grew out 4 BC Lites in 2023, a brother and sister from each plant, and established two distinct breeding pairs. PR:0 consisted of the BC Lite Primary for the grow out in the cage, and a brother on the back deck; both from PL:0. He also pollinated the two Bubblegums on the deck, as well as the Guttersnipe Mutt, Bitter Sweet Pie, and Feyleaf in the cage with his sister. PR:1 was the first girl and first boy from PL:1. And they were kept on the front porch together. As mentioned earlier, all of the Birthday Spanking-PL:1/PR:1/G:00/2023 seeds that will ever exist have been collected. Still have jars of Plant:0's bud though with plenty of PL:0/PR:0/2023 seeds to recover.
Objectives for this project are like the others: Grow one gal of each to flower and budding with little to no seeds, and try to make at least one, or preferably two breeding pairs from each, generating G:01 seeds. And if I have spare gals of either, get at least one self pollinated with the colloidal silver stuff to make what I would deem Generation:01(f) seeds. |
And as before, the wait begins. |
Date / Time: 2024-02-14 / 19:00 |
Two seeds from Pair:0 and one from Pair:1 are just now starting to sprout.
TTS (Time to Sprout): 31 Hours |
Date / Time: 2024-02-15 / 09:00 |
The second seed from Pair:1 is now sprouting.
TTS: 45 Hours |
Date / Time: 2024-02-19 / 16:20 |
Time to finally get the sprouted Birthday Spanking seeds thus far planted; all three from Pair:0, and the first two from Pair:1. |
The first from Pair:0 is getting the small Dollar Tree pot that was home to S:03. But since S:03 decided to up and die on me last night and Sequence numbers only get assigned once a plant is well established, that bit can be ignored for now. |
May not be the most ideal lighting, especially this late in the day, but good enough for at least until tomorrow. |
And to wrap up this update, I am starting one more from Pair:1, since it really is starting to look like the runt is not going to sprout. |
Date / Time: 2024-02-21 / 08:20 |
Replacement PR:1 seed has sprouted. Unsprouted runt seed is tossed.
TTS: 40 hours |
Date / Time: 2024-02-22 / 10:00 |
I didn't waste any time getting the PR:1 replacement planted. |
26 1/2 hours from sprout to dirt. I think this is my quickest to date. |
I managed to find a spot in front of the neat little USB mini grow lamp I found recently at Salvation Army. I think it was $6 well spent. |
Date / Time: 2024-02-26 / 12:00 |
Birthday Spanking-Pair:1/S:03 is now off the flowering schedule and is back to veg lighting. |
These three; S:00, 01, and 02 start their 10 to 14 days in flowering lighting at 22:00. |
As does Pair:0/S:01 |
I honestly have little confidence in any of these making it, and have better feeling about the unsequenced ones I still have happily growing in their various spots upstairs. Additionally, one of the unsequenced Pair:0 sprouts in a styro cup up and died on me. |
So now, I got another pair of each started. |
Date / Time: 2024-02-27 / 12:00 |
The Birthday Spanking Pair:0 that WAS temp designated S:02 is now S:01. It must have already got triggered to flower a while back, so I guess I can put it back on veg lighting tonight. Anyway, it flowered, and it is a boy. So if it manages to survive reveg and growing to adulthood, it will get to breed with the second Pair:0 girl when I get her to make Generation:01 seeds. Haven't even got the first girl yet to be the real S:00. |
So, S:02, as I said, is now S:01. The former S:01 is now S:00. |
And the former S:00 has been demoted to S:02. |
Date / Time: 2024-02-28 / 08:00 |
Both of the replacement PR:0 seeds have sprouted. And that is all I have for an update for now.
TTS: 40 hours |
Time: / 14:00 |
The first seed from Pair:1 is sprouted.
TTS: 45 hours |
Date / Time: 2024-02-29 / 08:00 |
The second replacement PR:1 is now sprouted. Chances are, the Birthday Spanking sprouts from both pairs will get planted tomorrow.
TTS: 63 hours |
Date / Time: 2024-03-04 / 16:20 |
All four Birthday Spankings; 2 from Pair:0 and 2 from Pair:1 are definitely ready and beyond for planting. They are all getting Jiffy Pots this time, with a simple styro cup for a drip catcher. |
The first of each will go into flower cycle lighting of 14D/10L come 22:00 tonight. |
The other pair start on normal veg lighting, as usual. |
Date / Time: 2024-03-13 / 12:00 |
I don't know how it happened, but the Birthday Spanking Pair:1 seedling that was going to come off flowering lighting tomorrow had a fatal break. I think tomorrow I am going to start another pair of them for one final comparison of flowering from birth vs putting on flowering lighting after there is a decent crown and at least one level of leaves. I've somewhat lost track of all that, and though I am sure I can piece it all back together, I figure no harm in one more attempt. And I will pay better attention this time around. |
In other news, both Pair:0/S:02 and Pair:0/S:04 are finished. Not starting any replacements yet. Going to wait until after a head count to see what should get replaced while there's still a couple months remaining before planting. |